Moscow Workshops Head Judge
Technical Coordinator of the Olympiad Schools, Moscow Workshops Juniors and Moscow Wokrshops
Moscow Programming Contest Jury Co-Chair
Honored coach of Moscow Open Trainings
Methodologist of the of the MIPT Olympiad Schools Department of Informatics
Twice medalist and winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics
MIPT Opened Olympiad Winner
Four-time Medalist of the ACM ICPC Pre-Finals
KPI Open 2013 Winner
Winner of the Open Programming Championship in Grodno
ACM ICPC 2014 and Russian Code Cup 2014 Finalist
FEFU Lecturer
ICPC Far Eastern Quarterfinals Director
Pacific Schools of Computer Science Scientific Leader
Head of the HSE Lyceum Department of Informatics
Lecturer of the «Android Application Development» course at Samsung IT School
ISTU Department of Software Professor
Olympic Reserve Programmer Training Center Head
Coach of the ISTU teams
Discover Izhevsk Winter 2020 Organizer
FEFU Senoir Lecturer ДВФУ 2015-2020 FEFU Coach on competitive programming 2015-2020 NEERC ICPC Medalist 2011-2014 Robosub и Singapore AUV Challenge Winner and Medalist 2013-2017
Seminarist of the MIPT courses on computational complexity and algorithms
ICPC 2019 Bronze Medalist (MIPT)
Student of the Discrete Mathematics Master program at MIPT
Lecturer of the MIPT Olympiad Schools and Summer Computer School
Coach of the «Moscow trainings» project
Problems Author for the Moscow Programming Contest, Cognitive Technologies, Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics
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